Idea/DC Motor driver around IC DRV8432

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Revision as of 19:40, 17 February 2013 by Cubz (talk | contribs) (page created, looking for coops)

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This is a starter page for hardware project for a DC motor driver (stuff that makes them spin). The final product should be an electronic printed circuit board (PCB) that is possible to make with hobbyist skills and resources.


  1. there are 3 pieces of integrated circuit DRV8432DKD and some lonely maxton motors available
  2. since everything is integrated and packed, should be piece of cake, right? ;)


Prerequisities to understand this

  • understand what is transistor, RCL devices, PWM, H-bridge, DC motor
  • why you can't simply drive your motor directly with a pin of your favourite uC :)

Prerequisities to be able to build this

  • skilled in PCB etching for SMDs
  • skilled in surface mount devices soldering

Prerequisities to be able to use this

  • have a controller with enough Input/Output ports (e.g. Launchpads MSP430, AVR, Arduino)


  • 16th Feb 2013
    • started a project in CADSoft's Eagle (5.7.0 Light version)
    • created a library for integrated circuit "DRV8432DKD" according to its datesheet
    • started a schematics according to reference schematic from datasheet
    • placed on GitHub [1]


  • find out how current flow direction can be controlled
  • try to layout the current schematics
  • replace RCL parts with SMD versions
  • make the power stage part of PCB suitable for high currents
  • fix many errors in schematics
    • 12V gate driving power sources are annotated wrong


Conclusions so far

