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(04:02:22 PM) The topic for #freenode is: Welcome to #freenode | Don't copy/paste spam | No politics. | Feel free to message staff at any time. You can find us using /stats p (shows immediately-available staff) or /who freenode/staff/* (shows all staff)

(04:05:07 PM) lnovy: Hello, I was wondering (I can't find this information anywhere on the web), since we've got our group registration approved, we also "own" a cloak namespace. If we would like to grant a cloak, is there an automated way to do so or do we need to contact freenode stuff with every request? Thanks.

(04:05:46 PM) jose: lnovy: Hi, you need to contact staff for your requests. We're happy to assist, though :)

(04:06:36 PM) lnovy: And the primary group contact (if no delagation to secondary contact is established) need to do so, right?

(04:06:47 PM) jose: lnovy: Correct.

(04:10:10 PM) lnovy: jose: thank you very much good sir. would it be helpful if we submit a batch? should we check for something for each nick/cloak (just need to be registered or something more)? Just a plain pairs of login,clock would be ok?

(04:10:42 PM) jose: lnovy: Are you wanting to do it right now? If so, you can DM me and we can sort this out right now :)

(04:12:50 PM) lnovy: jose: no I'm just asking for specifics so I could announce to our members that a cloaks are available with a deadline to submit, than compile the list and make the primary contact submit the request. just to save everybody's time :)

(04:14:05 PM) jose: lnovy: Then, correct - the registered nick and the requested cloak would be enough. Make sure that the person does not have a previous cloak, though. Otherwise, there might be some extra steps in there.

(04:14:25 PM) lnovy: jose: thank you, have a nice day

(04:15:06 PM) jose: lnovy: No problem. Thanks, you too!

Seznam pozadavku na cloak (zkontrolujte, ze mate uvedeny login name registrovany v nickserv a ze nemate jiz jiny cloak):

basebot base48/bot/basebot
osw-bot base48/bot/osw-bot
lnovy base48/member/krtek
lomien base48/member/lomien
Hyna base48/member/Hyna

Deadline: ???