Internal rules

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Internal rules

Internal rules regarding primarily membership and keys

Rules changes

Any changes to these rules need to pass mailing list discussion.

Membership and keys

clenstvi a dostavani klicu:

  • clovek, ktery chce vstoupit do bejsu vyplni prihlasku (budou vytisknute v bejsu na urcenem miste) a preda ji predsedovi/na urcene misto a da vedet predsedovi (mail/irc/osobne)
  • clovek se zaregistruje na (member portal)
  • clovek zaplati prvni platbu clenskeho
  • rada schvali/neschvali jeho prijeti
  • rada/nekdo zaznaci v member portalu pripadne prijeti
  • klice ma clovek moznost dostat az pote co proti nemu nebudou namitky pri mailovem hlasovani
    • obecne se doporucuje hlasovani iniciovat minimalne po mesici ucasti, samozrejme to zalezi na clenech a pokud danyho cloveka znaji uz z dlouho predtim, tak neni duvod s hlasovanim cekat. hlasovani inicializuje novy clen
    • doba pro vyjadreni clenu po mailu je tyden
    • dalsi zadost o klice v pripade, ze nebyly priznany je po mesici
  • je na danym cloveku, aby si hlidal, ze:
    1. je prihlaseny na members@
    2. ma zaplaceno a ma ucet na member portalu
    3. odevzdal a byla mu schvalena prihlaska
    4. ucastni se
    5. pozadal si o klice mailem na members@

jak je to s klicema:

  • klice vyrabi a predava vyhradne predseda, pokud jednorazove neurci jinak (aby v tom byl prehled; urceni jinak muze byt napriklad "Hexo, zkopiruj klice pro Snajpu a dej mu je a pak mi dej vedet")

membership and keys

  • someone who wants to become member of base48 fill application form (placed in the base at the particular place) and hand it over to the chairman/on the particular place and let chairman know (mail/irc/personally)
  • register at (member portal)
  • pay the first month of membership fees
  • council approves/disapproves his membership
  • council/someone marks the member in portal the decision
  • the new member receives keys iff nobody is against that in mail voting
    • the recommended time before initializing the vote is at least one month, of course it depends on the current members and if someone is already well known from the previous activities, the vote could happen prematurely. voting is initialized by the new member
    • time limit to mail voting is one week
    • if the voting doesn't pass, another attempt can be initialized not earlier than one month
  • it's up to the new member to check and take care of:
    1. being subscribed to members@
    2. membership fees are paid
    3. application form has been handed and approved
    4. he takes part in base activities
    5. he initialized vote for the keys by mail at members@

keys appendix

  • keys are copied and handed exclusively by the chairman. he can one-time settle it the different way (it's good to know who has the keys. one-time settle can be like: "Hexo, please copy the keys for Snajpa and hand it to him, then let me know")