PCB Engraver

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Hello all, I need one dedicated CNC PCB engraver for master thesis. I know that i am not only one here with this specific need.

This is just Beta page. My point is figure out if this would be possible fund like Base48 project or not.

In case of some interest i will put here more specific information soon

Plan and features

1, Laser cutted frame - MDS should be enough. Easy to assemble
2, Some 3d printed parts
3, Rod based linear movements
4, Take some premade working solution 
5, Simple spindle for PCB with good bearing (We have big shapeko for other things)
6, Nema17 + arduino (Cheap + easy to maintain)
7, Small working area

So far done


Other options:






http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:186656 http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:167769 http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:826098 http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:128100

+ Others - if you have something add it here.


It depend on agreement, from project to product 2-4 weeks


Idilna Ebay Aliexpress

What we need

- Spindle Posibilities

 1, 300w premade spindle = 40 USD
 2, Using Dremel Tool 
 3, Building Spindle from ER chunk i have at home

- Frame = Idilna - From 1000 to 2000 czk

- Motors - Microcon or donation welcomed - Rods and bearing - Electronic (i have some adruinos and stepstick)

Expected Project cost : 8000 czk or less dependent on material contribution

Funders Donation

Please check what we need add yourself here if you are interested by donating money or material.