Tool boards

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To contribute to working conditions improvement in hackerspace I decide to build tool boards so members can spend more time hacking instead of searching for tools.

Board was custom cutted in Hornbach (150 x 70 cm for wall panel and 90 x 60 cm for door panels all 8 mm plywood). Beams were cutted in hackerspace (2pcs 150 cm).

Magnetic tool holder was incorporated to wall panel

Tool boards project was accompanied by buing missing or damaged tools.

Total cost: CZK

- Tool boards project was accompanied by buying missing or damaged tools.

- New tools price is not included in project cost.

Build time: approx. 20 lazy hacking evenings


Cyclo workbench desk.jpg Tool boards door.jpg 200px


en material supplier supplier PN czk/pcs pcs total cost
a b c d e f g