Join us

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Revision as of 14:30, 16 December 2019 by B42 (talk | contribs) (raise membership fees)

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How to join

The best way, how to join us is to join us :) on our regular meetings. See Space for instructions, how to get to our space. Just come in and socialize a bit. This is required, so we can verify yours pure hacking intentions. Don't be afraid if you are not talkative - everyone is welcome.

Subscribe yourself to our public mailing list where important announcements are beeing sent. We also have an IRC channel - this can be the 1st place to go and ask.

After some time in our community, you can join our society. After that, you will be allowed to:

  • participate and visit the space independently, use the hackerspace
  • set up projects
  • access servers (filesystem, VPN, IRC bouncers, etc.)
  • add information to the wiki
  • make decisions regarding our hackerspace and vote

Also, after joining:

  • you should be interested and make suggestions for improvements
  • you should attend voting sessions
  • please, follow the style/guide of already existing parts of the system/organization

Joining our society involves paying a membership fee, that is 600 CZK (300 CZK for students) per month. See Internal_rules#Membership_and_keys for what you need to do to become a member and Membership for detailed information how to pay. We use this money to pay the rent for our space, to buy needed equipment and to support interesting projects in our hackerspace that would not be feasible otherwise. We "process" new membership requests on regular community meetings. It is good however to inform some active old member about your willing before the meeting.